Friday, August 2, 2013

Clash of the superhero mega-movies

WOW. Avengers 2: Age of Ultron and Superman vs Batman? Not too mention Days of Future Past? SD Comic Con is always geek heaven with nerdgasms every corner. Growing up I idolized these characters who only existed in ink, paper and celluloid (after my parents of course). This reminds me of a particular moment in time that I kind of knew that I was emotionally and mentally changing. I remembered that I first idolized Superman because he was indestructible (damn you Doomsday). HE HAS ICY BREATH. HE HAS HEAT/XRAY VISION. HE CAN FLY. OH WAIT, HE CAN FUCKING FLY AND TURN BACK TIME. 

whoosh whoosh

Then came THE BATMAN.

WHERE IS SHE? oops. wrong movie.

I "discovered" Batman while I was in grade school. I was fucking freaked out of the Joker and his make up and his maniacal laughter and his 10 ft gun.

Batman became my favorite because of one simple fact. HE WAS HUMAN. He bled like the rest of us. He relied on his will and wits more than anyone else. Yes he may be rich, but he used it for good. Yes he may have used gadgets, but even us humans needed tools in order to get by and survive. He was a freaking detective, maybe the best detective outside of Sherlock Holmes and Dick Tracy. And he beat the bad guys without even killing them (hence his strictest principle).

Sorry this will be a DC-centric post but my Marvel post will come soon. Ciao.